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The Principle Thing

The Principle Thing

The word carnal is derived from the Latin word carnalis, meaning fleshly or ‘of the flesh’.  We as humans, are trichotomous beings, meaning we are made up of three distinct parts: spirit, soul and body or flesh. Before turning to Christ, the spirit-man (inner man),...

What is Baptism of the Holy Spirit?

What is Baptism of the Holy Spirit?

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Can I Lose My Salvation

Can I Lose My Salvation

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Why Do My Prayers Go Unanswered?

Why Do My Prayers Go Unanswered?

Unanswered prayers have caused some believers to let go of their faith and even their belief in the existence of God. It is important that we understand that God is not in the business of giving us everything we want.  The wordly view of God is that He is this...

Can I Really Hear From God?

Can I Really Hear From God?

The answer is a profound YES! You can hear the voice of God.  John 10:27 let’s us know that it is the Shepard’s will for us to hear His voice. He predestined a plan for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11) and he knows the we are not capable of directing our own...

What is a Carnal-Minded Believer?

What is a Carnal-Minded Believer?

A carnal-minded Believer is one whose mind (intellect, will and emotions) is not being transformed as God desires (Romans 12:2) because they are not allowing the Holy Spirit to teach them. Tests, trials and temptations are continually met with failures.